Wednesday, October 06, 2004

ALA @ museum Oct. 6, 2004

STOMP ROCKET DAY!! I would say that today was a success. We paired them up (by drawing lots) then briefly briefed them on the protcol for making rocket launchers and rockets then proceeded up to the new Design It facility in the East Gallery. It attracted considerable attention of the public viewers, many of whom wanted to know what we were doing, how we were doing it, etc.

We gave them about 30-40 minutes to construct the launchers and each person then made a rocket to be launched and a few made more. There was paper, tape, and a wide variety of materials for weights, wings, and decorations as desired. After this we proceeded to go out to the south courtyard (an enclosed contained space) and marked off 60 ft with a tape measure. Then each team was allowed two trials or launches. They had a choice of using the same rocket each time or a different one. We had launches for each team and recorded the distances each one achieved. At he end, we had a launch for anyone desiring additional trials, which all did. To my amazement many went the 60ft. and three flew to a wall (and crashed) 100ft. away and would have gone further had the wall not stopped them.

After this we debriefed with a "meaning making" session to determine what they had discovered about the qualities or design of rockets that make then or allow them to travel the longer distances. Many came up with the basic principles of weighted front ends, fewer adournments to reduce friction
and smooth exteriors to also less drag, etc.

Johnathan then discussed roles in Mindfest with special attention to stomp rockets assistants and a call for more applications. Then a few wanted another chance at launching a rocket, so those again went outside for a last effort. The bus arrived and they departed; happy I believe.


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