December 8 - ALA
Wednesday December 8 was an incredible day for all our ALA students. We truly saw some amazing work being done, as is evidenced by the pictures i've posted. The Gaggle groups began construction today on their sculptures for the 15th. The objective here is to take all the skills they've learned over the past few months and put them together into one long chain reaction. They are using marble runs, dominoes, crickets, switches, motors, and any materials we can provide to create this piece of moving art. The technology has come easily to the group, as they have taken to the crickets and circuit making with amazing interest! The students are teaching each other how to do everything, once we have given them a little know how in the programming and building department. The students are truly making this their own work! A few notes on the gaggle groups - one of the most amazing moments we've seen so far came today as a few of the students were learning how to use the power tools. I took aside two of the girls to show them how to use the jigsaw, belt sander, and drill press. After they watched me demonstrate, then they practiced with me watching them. I then learned that Erica did not know how to use the saw, and about 5 other girls didn't either. At that moment i called over the two girls that had just learned how to use the machines. I told them that we would be working on the "see one, do one, teach one" system. They had seen the machines, used them, and now it was time for them to show the others. I stepped back and watched from about ten feet away, and the girls began to teach the others what to do. It was truly amazing to see them all so engaged, and helping each other out. 7 students and Erica learned how to use the machines right there, and all i did was show two of them. The students took the responsibility for the rest. THe work being done on these sculptures is very good, and very creative, and i can't wait to see how it's all going to play out on the 15th.
Murder group - the filming continued, and a couple of the groups are going to be ready to edit on thursday the 9th. Gabe will be out at the site for that, as well as cricket programming for the gaggle groups. THe films are turning out to be very creative, and i'm very impressed with the ways that some of the students have found and used to do some special effects. THe showcase for their films will also be on the 15th. Most of the teams seem to be working well together, and i still think they are trying to get used to having a bit more freedom to work.
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