Thursday, January 20, 2005

ALA museum day January 19th

Today's activity consisted of what i like to call BEAT THE CLOCK. Each of the students had the chance to work in groups of two or three, and use their MIDI programming skills to create a tune from a popular song that could be identified by the entire group. THe adults were there just for technical support and troubleshooting. All of the programming and the issues surrounding any trouble there was handled by the students, helping each other out. each of the groups did a remarkable job putting together pieces of music that could be recognized by their classmates. I do believe some of them would have gone a lot farther if we'd had more time. THe students are figuring out some of the program material that we never taught, and i'm massively impressed with people such as Perrin, Maggie, and mary for their amazing work yesterday. Thursday begins our new software introduction with Gabe taking the point on teaching because of his experience with the sound programs. in a couple of weeks the students will begin creating their own compositions and sculptures using MIDI technology or the sound software.


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