Thursday, April 28, 2005

hey gang. just continuing my blogging upon completion of our successful "light cycle". after nite lights with l.e.d.'s, we changed gears to an activity i called "homemade flashlights". it was a review of simple circuts by rewiring holiday lights, however on the second day we used them for a final art project, "magic lanterns". here's how it all goes down...

Light Cycle (continued)
Dates: monday, april 18th and wednesday april 20th

Groups Participating: panther boys and girls club teens

Attendance: 8 to 10 teens and gabe and I

Project(s): "homemade flashlights" and "magic lanterns"

Hardware: cardboard, tinfoil, wire, 9 volt batteries, duct tape, scotch tape, colored and black permanent markers, cardboard boxes, box cutters, scissors, transparency paper, translucent tracing paper, cardboard tubes
Software: -
Other: snacks

Directions: build holiday light, simple circut with cardbaord switch and battery and place cardboard tubes over the top of the lights for a "homemade flashlight".
the next meeting, tape transparency paper with drawn image small enough to fit onto the end of "homemade flashlight". then take cardboard box and cut large square hole in front (like tv screen) and hole in back to fit in "flashlight". finally, tape tracing paper over large, front hole as the screen. turn on.

Associated Skills: craft skills, wiring and electrical knowledge

Associated Concepts: basic understanding of electronics, confidence in creating work of art

Best Part: seeing final work of art when magic lanterns illuminate

Hardest Part: getting circuts to be sturdy and stay together and cutting boxes in a safe manner

Culminating Event: "glow in the dark gallery night" both at the club on wednesday the 20th, and the following wednesday the 27th.

i'll let you know more about our gallery nights and our "strobe light" activity in the next entry.
later, myles


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