Spring Break Workshop part 1
Big Idea: Using nonverbal communication towards telling a story.
Time: Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Participants: Marcus, Eddie, Lauren, Caroline, Jade, Jared, David, Jonathon, and Sammie.
Activity: Is it possible to tell a story? Yes, of course! But is it possible to tell a story by using only nonverbal communication? Well, that was the challenge for the teens today. First, we divided to teens into pairs. Then the real task came. The teens had to use two Lego motors and a cricket to create a scene. After some discussion with their fellow partner, they all set out to work. The materials were already laid out for them to choose. After everyone was done making their characters and scene, they then had to program their characters. When all was finish, we took turns telling our own version of the story before the creators tell us the actual story.
Best Part: It was hysterical to hear the teens various stories.
Worst Part: The characters that were connected to the motors would not repeat the same outcome that the story teller wanted them too.
Eddie programmed the characters, while Jared tested the character.
Jared repairing the character.
Marcus programming the characters.
David connecting his characters onto the motor.
Caroline changing the program of the motor and Jade repairing the fallen character.
Lauren putting the finishing touches on the lego board.
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