Panther Throwies
Big Idea: This project can work in either the circut cycle or the art cycle, but when used done .together in high quantity, it is definately a collabritive work of art. Strays from programming, but is definately a fun, interactive art experience.
Dates: Wednesday, May 17th
Groups Participating: Panther teens
Attendance: 4 teens
Materials: various LED's, watch batteries, tape, (see website for specifics)
Directions: see...
As you see, its an exciting collabritive art, and the teens get into it. Simply 2 suggestions. First, try to scheduale this activity in the late fall or winter so it getsd dark early and you can see the full effect of your work. Second, a perfect spot for Panther to toss them is just outside the front door onto the rain cover above the entrance walk way. I would love to see the entrance glowing with thowies someday.
Associated Concepts: circuts and LED's, and getting them to understand two artforms, collabritive art (art created by a group) and gorilla art (public art created where the artist does not take credit).
Best Part: The throwing. The teens had a blast.
Improvements: Simply that it needs to be done in the winter when it gets dark early, and the more throwies that are made, the better your collabritive art will look.
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