Monday, January 29, 2007

Martin Robo Art

Since we are still in the beginning stages of a partnership with the Martin Boys and Girls Club many of our activities are short, simple, and as always fun. Robo Art provides an opportunity for all of the above. Taking the simplest PICO Cricket program and adding a few Lego pieces to make the spinning motion really swing it will make the robot tidder and todder. All we have to do them is create the robot body using Styrofoam board, paper cups and a bit of hot glue. The kids can be a creative with this as they can. Seeing as how our teens at Martin are still new to the tinkering and creating, having a few examples helps fuel and direct their creativity.
The best and more artistic part is using thin markers for the robot legs. Once your ready tape large sheets of paper to the floor, uncap the markers and turn the Crickets on. The robot with wobble around the paper leaving behind its colorful track pattern.


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