Wednesday, November 09, 2005

ALA IR Communication & Fluency Model's Proposal

Game Plan
November 9, 2005, Wednesday


I. IR Communication
1.) Todays events are to learn how to work and program crickets to do IR Communication.

  • First, they explored the idea of waves and different forms of communications.

  • Next, with an understanding of IR waves, Myles will lead the workshop and instructing the Bluedots to work efficiently with the Logoblocks program.
2.) After the IR workshop, the Bluedots will either finish their proposal for the Fluency Models and/or begin to bring their ideas to life form.

II. Activity:

  • Myles IR Workshop

  • The Bluedots experiment with the new IR program

  • Testing the waves through different object.

  • Testing the number waves to have connections between the two crickets.

  • Myles will show program using three crickets that beeps and play music.

  • Multi-cricket communication

  • Bluedots will brainstorm new projects using IR Communication.


III. Solder and Exhibit

  1. Solder Workshop
A.) Crystal and Sammie will be instructing half of the Picos towards the do’s and don’ts on soldering
B.) Pico kids practice with the solder.

  • Practice with the Christmas lights

  • Practice with the motor
  1. For the second Pico group, Jonathan will be introducing them to the exhibits.


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