Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Panther First Street Audio Field Trip

Big Idea: This trip is best taken during the sound cycle, but since we could not scheduale at that time, and my band was recording that week in the studio, I contacted Bart and arranged the trip for my Panther teens. It is meant to show the teens possible IT careers in the music industry behind the scenes.

Dates: May 22nd, 2006

Groups Participating: Panther teens

Attendance: 8 teens

Directions: Be sure to contact manager Bart Rose to scheduale a 1/2 hour to hour time slot. Have him give him a tour of the mix and mastering studio and the recording rooms, then possibly arrange for him to record each of their voices into a min to see what thier voices look like in pro-tools, hear what they sound like, then hear them when he distorts them. After the tour, discuss all the diffeant possible jobs involved in recording.

Associated Concepts: To see the various tools a recording studio uses similar to what we've used in DesignIT, and to get an idea of various IT careers there are in the field.

Best Part: When the teens got to hear a song in the process of being mixed from our CD (Standard Transmission's "Water's Edge") They loved it and loved to see where music was actually created.

Improvements: We ran outta time. Be sure to scheduale enough time to do some activities with Bart like the ones listed above.


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