Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Who says we shouldn't let kids make their own lightsaber?

This past Saturday, the Design IT Studio Interns and Sammie created Star Wars Lightsabers for the first time. Of course, this wouldn't be the actual Star Wars swords- things would get pretty messy. When our little Sammie designed these little lightsabers, she decided to replicate these lightsabers based on her size- thus miniature lightsabers were born!

Creating these lightsabers is quite simple. Electrical tape, glue sticks, watch batteries, LED lights, popsicle sticks, and a little bit of imagination from our guests and interns is all that's needed to create these miniature replicas. Wesley, Ashley and Jasmine were our three all-star interns this weekend helping us out. For about 3 hours, the interns, Sammie and I helped guests make their own wands. The children who came by were really excited about these wands- some of them even begged to make more than one! The parents also were very interested in their child's work. Many of them inquired on how to create these wands themselves at home!

Overall, the DesignIT time on Saturday was a hit. People were coming in non-stop for the entire time we were there, and the patrons were patient about waiting in line for their child to create their own mini lightsaber. Thanks to the interns and Sammie for the great work they did!


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