Big Idea: We had a meeting for all Panther teens to inform them of the up-coming cycle and of benefits for joining or continuing thier membership in DesignIT. The meeting also included two questionaires to fill out, one to check proficiancy on activities we will pursue in the next cycle, and the other to find out more on thier interests in music. We then followed the meeting with an activity outside to briefly introduce them on the concepts of listening to sound around them.
Dates: Wednesday, January 11th
Groups Participating: Panther Teens
Attendance: 7 Panther Teens including Dominique, Jazmine, Joshua, Thomas, and Braela
What We Covered:After a welcome back, I went over how many hours each person had completed thus far, and announced two more additions to our official membership since they had completed thier twelve hours. With the addition of Thomas and Eddie, with Lianthia, Marcus, Jonathon and Michael, that's a total of 6. However, there's good news and bad news to add to that. Good news is Braela and Joshua are two hours away from also joining, however, bad news is Marquas found some basketball friends outside the club, and Lianthias moving away. So even with two more we're stayin at six.
We then listed together as a reminder the benefits of being a member of DesignIT. These included
free museum membership, free DesignIT T-shirts, new DesignIT journals, weekly fieldtrips, possible paid internships during the summer, and a positive extra-cirricular activity listed on college applications.
Next we had them complete the proficiency questionaires, so we can have an idea of what they knew before the cycle. Then in a few weeks, we'll fill them out again to see what this cycle taught them.
After a snack break and fiding out everyone's favorite part of thier break, we moved onto letting them know what the next cycle includes. I told them about exploring various sounds with particular objects, learning power tolls to build sound machines out of the sounds we found, then exploring the Midi software to create our own songs with crickets. To accompany this, we next filled out a music questionaire to get some insite on thier interests in music, which we then discussed the answers as a group to get the teens to get to realize some of thier same interests with one another. Some of the questions and answers included...
Q. If you could instantly know how to play any instrument, which instrument would it be?
A. drums
A. electric guitar
A. violin
Q. Name 5 different styles of music…
A. Rap
A. R and B
A. Blues
A. Pop
Q. What are your top 3 favorite music artists/groups?
A. Chris Brown
A. Usher
A. Slim Thuga
A. 2 Pac
Q. Where do you like to listen to music?
A. Car
A. Room
A. Bathroom
A. School
Q. What do you think was the first musical instrument ever made?
A. Drums
A. Reed Instruments
A. Xylaphone
Q. If you were to try and build an instrument, which would you try to build?
A. Guitar
A. Turntables
A. Drums
A. Tuba
This activity simply got them to think in the direction of music and open up to eachother. Its funny how people are proud and willing to openly share thier interest in music far more than many other things. There seems to be a pride in the music one listens to, like it represents them in some fashion.
Finally we went outside and did the one-minute litsening activity. Closing the eyes made a big differance, and although giggling is usually involved, it lends itself to the activity when answering the follow up questions. Some include...
-Name two noises that were each, without repeating the same one.-What was the furthest noise you heard?-What was the closest noise you heard?-What noise did you hear that you hadn't noticed before we started?-What noise did you hear that you had notced before we started?-What was the highest pitch noise you heard?-What was the lowest pitch noise you heard?Best Part:
The music questionaire and the listening activity. Tey sincerly seemed to be interested in eachother's responses.
Worst Part: I had promised them a weekly field trip starting this week. We had discussed with the club on Monday about needing a van for a ride to the museum on Thursday to work with Saafir, and they said it would not be a problem. It was. Now the damage control comes back to me and my false promises. So we have learned we cannot depend on the club for rides. From now on, Wednesdays are our field trip days, and we can only depend on ourselves. The #1 thing that hinders attendence in DesignIT is false promises. Make sure once you give these teens a reason to get excited, you follow through. If you do not, thier revenge is through no longer participating. I'm heading over to do some healing today, but let this be a warning to the rest of you - no promises until they are 100% possible.
Overall, they seem excited for what's to come, as long as I can bring them back with some exciting stuff. Should be exciting.