DragonFly Landed!!!
Big Idea: DragonFly will be showcasing some DesignIT teens on their show and guest are able to meet the stars of the show.
Time: April 22, 2006, Saturday from 11am-2pm
Participants: About 10 ALA teens, 1 Northside Boys & Girls teen, Floor Staffs, and DesignIT coaches.
Activity: The day for DragonFly has come! Today was a day for visitors to interact with the stars of DragonFly and DesignIT teens, who has a clip in the show. DesignIT Studios volunteer to bring back Spin Art Tables and Chain Reactions. Live Animal Biologist, Lucy, displayed animals and brochures for visitors to explore. And the DragonFly table was handing out magnifying glasses and other cool items for everyone to enjoy. Visitors seem to be having fun and was interacting with the DragonFly girls and DesignIT teens. At the Chain Reaction section, the DesignIT teens set off the first practice countdown before the big finally. The next set up more visitors became involved with the teens and built there own design. When it was finally time to start the chain reaction Dynamo, the museum dinosaur, brought other visitors to help countdown and cheer the young builders on.
Best Part: Watching kids who are not acquainted with each other interact together to build a stronger chain reaction.
Worst Part: None.
Jade and Madison demonstrating how Spin Art works.
Lucy talks about varies animals.
Ashley and Brandi signed autographs.
Wesley started the first chain reaction.
Guest asking Cooper questions on crickets.
Guest helps rebuild.
"I'm going to make it taller than me!"
Dynamo leads guest to see the final chain reaction run for the day.